Meet the newest additions to the Sun Diego Skate Team.
New team riders Sam Giles and Little Chris take on some raw lines at WSVT for their shared welcome part.
Sun Diego Filmer Jesse Silva:
"Little Chris is originally from Irvine, he moved to east county with a few other dudes about 4 or 5 years ago. They moved into an apartment right down the street from my house and started skating at my local park. I've been partying and skating and filming with him ever since. We call him little Chris because he used to be small a long time ago and then he just grew outta nowhere and passed us all up.
Giles was born in San Francisco where he lived for a little. Then moved to Salt Lake City, Utah. He took a skate trip down to San Diego with a bunch of other dudes from Salt Lake. I knew a few of them, because they used to live in SD. They came back down another time with my friend's band, that's when we really became friends. Sam pretty much stayed with me or wherever he could for a bit, then ended up moving to Costa Mesa. He finally figured it out and got a spot in Oceanside with a few other friends. Sam currently resides in O'side at the best skate house ever, 2 blocks from the beach. He's progressively been getting better at skating since I met him and he partys tuff. Giles rules."