Shop Carver Skateboards | Sun Diego
Shop Carver Skateboards at Sun Diego
During a particularly paltry summer of surfable waves in 1995, Southern California locals Greg Falk and Neil Carver took to the streets of their home turf in Venice on skateboards. Fortunately, the duo discovered that riding the surfaces of steep alleys and banks allowed them to emulate some elements of surfing. Unfortunately, the skateboards did not provide the same snap, drive, and thrust power that surfing does.
Over a couple years and many prototypes, Falk and Carver patented a truck system that mirrored the experience of surfing. This Carver system quickly began "making waves" in the surf and skate communities, where pro surfers and athletes began endorsing the authentic surf-like feel of riding a Carver board. These early ties in the surf community have allowed Carver to present many unique athlete and artist collaborations.
It should come as no surprise then that Carver has always been about surfing and the communities surrounding this sport — capturing that joyous feeling of flow on a skateboard. The original since 1996, Carver has led the modern surfskate movement forward with its innovative truck systems, like the dual-axis C7 for a smooth and flowing ride, the reverse-kingpin CX for a quick and snappy ride, or the lower, lighter C5 for tricks and parks.
And with a variety of surf-inspired shapes and concaves, along with the brand's fast and grippy Roundhouse wheels, Carver delivers speed, power and flow so you can truly ‘Surf your Skate’.
Shop Carver Skateboards online now at Sun Diego.