Brand Spotlight: ourCaste

Brand Spotlight: ourCaste

We're catching up with our friends at ourCaste for this week's Brand Spotlight. brooks-sterling-ourcaste-10 We have been seeing some rad product making it's way into our stores from new brand ourCaste. From tees to boardshorts to wovens, ourCaste provides a clean design with a unique taste in style you do not see from many brands these days. The brand is made up of a seasoned crew of enthusiasts hyped on design, typography, surf, skate, and motorcycles, whom interpret life through their travels and experiences around the world and translate them into apparel.
tumblr_n72dtlGptW1s2rg85o1_1280 The ourCaste Austin Button-Down from their awesome Brand Visuals page.
"ourCaste has been built by a decades long love affair with the things we could always count on growing up, regardless of where life took us. Throughout the years, our eyes may have been caught wandering to new, younger passions like design and typography, but we’ve never been unfaithful to our true love of surfing, pushing around on skateboards and riding motorcycles. A common bond is built in these sub-cultures, and they in turn shape a lifestyle that is authentic. As a new, young brand we are eager to shine light on what these loves have meant to us, and our interpretation through product of what they aesthetically represent. We are a community built of enthusiasts, living and creating the sub-cultures that connect us all. ourcaste clothing

Youth will need a bit of—we’ll say—curating, from time to time; a trusted, accomplished and respected figure of sorts to be able to bounce the hard questions, left brain theories, and ridiculous ideas off of as a sounding board." -

Shop ourCaste clothing online, or a visit your local Sun Diego shop to see the line in person.

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